Any public or semi-public authority can join the Procura+ Network. Simply complete the application form and email, fax or post this back to us:
ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability
Leopoldring 3
D-79098 Freiburg
Fax: +49 761 368 9219
Tel: +49 761 368 920
There are no obligations or duties expected from Procura+ Participants or Regional Networks. However, participant means a person or group that takes part in activity, and we will continue to encourage every Participant to be regularly involved in Procura+. This includes providing SPP updates and case studies, reporting on SPP monitoring and impacts, and attending conferences and meetings.
Past experience shows that the more Participants engage with Procura+, the more they get from the wide network of expertise and resources.
Each participant will need to pay a small administration fee, which helps to cover the cost of coordinating the Procura+ Network. The size of the fee will depend on the number of employees working for the authority.
Number of employees Annual fee (€)
Up to 500 employees 500
501 - 5,000 employees 1,000
5,001 - 10,000 employees 1,500
Over 10,000 employees 2,000
Public authorities receive a 50% reduction if they are an ICLEI Member