Exclusive deep training - Best practices on Sustainable IT procurement
ROOM 1.08
In addition to the conference program, participants of the Procura+ Conference were able to meet the international team behind TCO Certified the AGORA space.
With 30 years of experience driving sustainable development through public tenders for IT, the team behind TCO Certified has collected extensive expertise and examples, ranging from low-hanging fruit efforts any organization should enact to more advanced initiatives from the pioneers committed to fast-tracking changes.
The session featured an exclusive deep-dive training into current best practices on sustainable IT procurement. Participants also could explore the IT procurement journey and discover the main ways and opportunities to include sustainability and how to use TCO Certified as a tool. Read more

Training - "Implementing the CO₂ Performance Ladder"
ROOM 1.07
Inspired by the Procura+ conference to get started with low-carbon procurement, but wondering how?
The CO₂ Performance Ladder is an easy and proven effective tool to make procurement more sustainable. By incentivising CO₂ reduction among contractors with a notional discount on the tender, organisations can procure in a socially responsible manner. There’s more than 15 years of experience with the tool in the Netherlands and the Ladder is currently being implemented in several countries.
During the training participants will:
- dive deep into the content of the tool;
- hear practical examples;
- develop a plan to implement the CO₂ Performance Ladder in your organisation’s procurement;
- learn about the support to do so offered by the owners of the tool, SKAO, and partners.
This Agora training will take place March 14th, directly after the Procura+ Conference from 14.30-16.30 in the Agora room. Register here

Session - One Planet Network Sustainable Procurement Programme
ROOMS 1.06
Join this session to connect with the One Planet Network Sustainable Public Procurement Programme Leadership Team at the Procura+ Conference in Lisbon!
The Leadership team of the SPP Programme is convening on the occasion of the Procura+ Conference on 13-14 March 2024 and would like to take the opportunity to connect with the partners and members of the Programme present at the Conference.
The one-hour session will be held at the same venue as the Procura+ Conference:
Lisbon Congress Centre,
Praça das Industrias, 1,
1300-307 Lisbon, Portugal.
To participate and receive further information, please register here