

Wageningen is a lively and green city in the province of Gelderland, with a population of 39.000 and almost 160 nationalities. The presence of Wageningen University & Research and its students, affiliated companies and institutes gives the city an international and open character.

Wageningen strives towards a sustainable world. Negative consequences of choices made in the past should not be passed on to future generations or other countries. The city believes that those who want change should be change makers themselves. Therefore, the transition from a linear economy to a circular economy, climate change mitigation and improvement of quality of life and health are the guiding principles the city  has included in its ambitious purchasing policy.


The municipality of Wageningen has a very ambitious purchasing policy:

  • Every tender is assessed for their level of sustainability, circularity and Social Return on Investment;
  • Suppliers are challenged to deliver as circular as possible;
  • Goal is to use 50% less fossil raw materials and to use renewable energy in all production processes by 2030;
  • Aim for full circularity by 2050.
  • Population:  39,0000
  • Employees:  400
  • Date joined: 2017


Senior Procurement Advisor


More information? Send an email to procurement@iclei.org

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