Strategic Investment Board - Social Value Unit


The Social Value Unit assists Northern Irelands Government Departments, their agencies and arm’s length bodies to maximise the delivery of social value through public contracts.

In July 2021 the Northern Ireland Executive published Procurement Policy Note (PPN) 01/21 Scoring Social Value. PPN 01/21 mandates that from 1 June 2022 tenders must allocate a minimum of 10% of the total award criteria to social value.  This minimum weighting will apply to procurements at or above the thresholds set out in the Public Contracts Regulations. The Social Value Unit are responsible for developing guidance and training for the implementation of PPN 01/21. 

PPN 01/21 sets out that Departments should score for social value using an outcomes-based framework which has four broad themes:

  • increasing secure employment and skills
  • building ethical and resilient supply chains
  • delivering zero carbon, and
  • promoting well-being

The PPN also includes mandatory fair work requirements and the requirement to consider reserving contracts.  The Social Value Unit are also working on developing guidance on sustainable procurement more broadly beyond award criteria


  • Over 3,000 people who were long-term unemployed or disadvantaged in the labour market gained employment on public sector procurement contracts since 2017.
  • Bespoke approach to scoring social value in public sector contracts developed for Northern Ireland using a points based approach to social value.
  • Brokerage system developed which encourages partnerships between specific approach for SPP in IT contracts developed, including a focus on green public procurement and addressing digital inclusion.
  • Monitoring system developed which is capturing social value delivered on all contracts across Northern Ireland, such as number of and spend with social enterprises in the supply chain, number of environmental activities delivered etc.
  • Population:  1,800,000
  • Employees:140


Lisa Beers
Senior Social Value Adviser


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In July 2021 the Northern Ireland Executive published Procurement Policy Note (PPN) 01/21 Scoring Social Value.  PPN 01/21 mandates that from 1 June 2022 tenders must allocate a minimum of 10% of the total award criteria to social value.  This minimum weighting will apply to procurements at or above the thresholds set out in the Public Contracts Regulations.  The PPN also includes mandatory fair work requirements and the requirement to consider reserving contracts. The Social Value Unit have also developed a Sustainability Strategy for the Strategic Investment Board.


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