Metropolitan City of Rome


The Metropolitan Area of Rome (La Città metropolitana di Roma Capitale) links national, regional and communal levels and acts as administrator and coordinator for the population and services of the City of Rome and its adjacent communities. It adopted its GPP (Green Public Procurement) Action Plan in 2009, updated in 2014, which sets aims and targets to use natural resources in an efficient and economical manner, to reduce the use of dangerous substances and the amount of waste sent to land-fill sites. 


  • Won the "Compra Verde" Award (Projects for Sustainability and Green Public Procurement) in 2010 and 2012 and the Consip Award for the best GPP and sustainable project in 2011. In 2018, during the CompraVerde Forum, it received an honourable mention for the best green tender and for the best application of Italian minimum environmental and social criteria (CAM) and for triggering innovation in the field of school furniture.
  • 100% of the tenders for office and school furniture, paper and cleaning services used GPP criteria
  • 90% of ICT tenders contained GPP criteria
  • 30% of tenders for uniforms included GPP criteria
  • In 2016, it started a digital monitoring system for green purchases
  • In 2017, it signed a protocol for GPP among Italian Metropolitan Cities - Protocollo d'intesa per l'attuazione del GPP nelle città metropolitane.
  • In 2018, it published guidelines for the verification of Italian CAM - Linee Guida per le verifiche dei criteri ambientali minimi, in several fields: vehicles, textiles, furniture, shoes, construction, cleaning services, waste and catering with the aim of supporting the implementation of CAM foreseen in the Action Plan of the Metropolitan City. A particular focus was given to the awarding and the execution.
  • Since 2020, it only purchases 100% green energy for its buildings and schools (380 approximately).
  • It's currently working on a price list for sustainable construction in line with the CAM for construction, and on internal trainings for the staff.
  • Population:  4,300,000
  • Employees:  1,367
  • Date joined: 2011


Patrizia Giancotti
Officer for Sustainable Development

Website (Italian)

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The revision and update of the Provincial Action Plan (17 January 2014) included:

  • Training of internal staff

  • Training of municipalities with particular focus on those that have signed the Covenant of Mayors

  • A new monitoring system to be integrated with the system of the current environmental accounting and with the need to monitor of the Covenant of Mayors (i.e. CO₂ emission reduction)

  • Implementation of pilot actions such as training of trainers of vocational training centres

  • Actions for the public works sector


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