LIPOR is the entity responsible for the management, valorisation and treatment of municipal solid waste (MSW) produced by its eight municipalities. It treats around 500,000 tons of municipal solid waste produced by 1.000,000 inhabitants every year.
- Employees: 207
- Date joined: 2009
Fernando Belém
Head of Division
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LIPOR is responsible for the Management of MSW produced by its partners and is now addressing the rise in refuse through the promotion of “Sustainable Consumption Policies”. A multidisciplinary team implements Low Carbon Procurement, as recommended in GPP2020. This procurement has the certification on Energy Management by ISO 50001.
Promoting SPP in Portugal:
LIPOR is constantly involved in streamlining sustainable public procurement at a national level in Portugal through:
- Introducing ecological criteria and technical specifications into its tenders;
- Assisting public authorities in putting in place a procurement strategy in line with the economics of the region;
- Social and environmental policies;
- Encouraging cooperation among public procurers;
- Promoting market engagement between public procurers and suppliers.
Verifying SPP in LIPOR:
As a result of certification in SA8000 Standard, LIPOR developed verification schemes. The verification scheme aims to raise awareness of suppliers about the importance of respecting social and environmental criteria. Since 2009, the verification has been applied as a mandatory process, because appropriate monitoring and auditing procedures are needed to maintain certification. The verification scheme is applied as part of the contract performance clauses and is announced to the suppliers during the call for tenders. The verification scheme and other activities allows suppliers to see LIPOR as a socially responsible entity, which in turn encourages them to make the efforts needed to give due consideration to social responsibility in the supply of products or services.
The LIPOR Verification Process:
During the tendering, the Code of Conduct is sent to all the tenderers whose turnover is equal or more than 10.000,00 €, when tender value is equal or more than the 10.000,00 €, or when the supplier has 5 (five) invoices sent to Lipor;
Lipor asks them to commit to this Code of Conduct by signing the so called Commitment Declaration;
In the beginning of the execution of the contract, a self-assessment form is given and has to be filled in by all suppliers who provide products or services to Lipor;
Every year, an auditing process is applied to all strategic suppliers;
Lipor invites its suppliers to an annual workshop on social responsibility where the verification schemes, criteria included in the tenders, and the Code of Conduct are discussed;
If monitoring shows that a supplier is not meeting the criteria, Lipor recommends opportunities for improvement.
- Cleaning Services: Under the project Building SPP, LIPOR defined Cleaning Services as a Pilot Project. The main goals for this procurement procedure were: acting in accordance with the LIPOR strategy and policy on SPP; optimizing costs by finding the best solutions on the market; increasing the efficiency of the previous service. In tenders, lots were constructed in order to give participating organisations a choice of products (ecological and non-ecological) under a number of contract types (products only or a product-service combination).
- Paper: All the paper that LIPOR uses (office paper and institutional paper) is 100% recycled or from sustainable forests. Verification – Eco-labels.
- Composters: Under a project developed by LIPOR, people who attend home composting workshops are given a free composter. The specifications required in the tender for purchase of the composters are that the material is from recycled PP/PE and 100% recyclable. Verification – Technical data and producer auto declaration.
- Plastic Bags for Selective Collection: The specifications required in the process tender are: the bags should be in polyethylene and preferably with recycled plastic incorporated in their manufacture; and water-based inks should be used in the colouring of the bags. Verification – Technical data and Producer auto declaration.
- Furniture: In the construction of the Ecological Trail, 38 tons of mixed plastics, 100% recycled, were used to produce boardwalks, railings, poles and urban furniture. This is a good example of a project that contains circular economy in is basis because the ecological trail was constructed under a sealed landfill. Under the same landfill we also constructed and adventure park for the population.
- Computers and Desktops: The specification required in the process tender is that all IT equipment should be energy efficient. Verification – Eco label “Energy Star” or equivalent.
- Electricity: Acquisition of electricity 100% from renewable energy. Verification – A certified document or equivalent, attesting the distribution or consumption of energy derived from renewable resources.
- Copy and Printers: The specifications required in the process tender are: energy efficiency of supply, including maximum CO2 and GEE emissions and the introduction of Life Cycle Costs (LCC) as a requirement in the procurement of leasing low-carbon imaging equipment-rental of low carbon MFDs.
- Travelling: The specifications required in the process tender are: whenever possible, it is recommended that the accommodation is in hotels certified by the Environmental Management Standard ISO 14001, or equivalent; and, to reduce CO2 emissions resulting from air travel, it is recommended that, wherever possible, the flights are direct or number of scales does not exceed two. Verification – Auto declaration from the hotel and travel itinerary.
- Catering Supply: The specifications required in the process tender are: to reduce waste production, food and drinks should be served with cutlery, glasses and reusable tableware. The waste produced among the catering should be placed in specific containers for its further valorization. Should be defined sustainable menus, with foods coming from organic farming and the fruit and vegetables should be seasonal. In the confection of the menus we require that 3 products must be of Portuguese local origin. Leftovers in condition of consumption must be donated to charity institutions.
- Hot and Cold Drinks: The specifications required in the process tender are: the equipment’s should be supplied with coffee with the label UTZ (Better Farming Better Future) which ensures that farmers have good conditions to work and their activities have a low impact in the environment. Waste produced like coffee packs must be placed in specific containers for its further valorization.
- Fuels with Carbon Compensation: Obligation for the supplier to offset Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. This compensation will be guaranteed by the delivery and/or cancellation for the customer of an amount of carbon credits equivalent to the emissions generated by the customer through the use of the fuel. The evidence: A certified report or equivalent document, by entities competent for the purpose and completely independent, with annual periodicity, attesting the carbon compensation.
- Building SPP: IFE+ Programme for Capacity Building in Sustainable Public Procurement. Website