

Kolding is the seventh largest city in Denmark. Kolding was a founding Participant and the Chair of Procura+ from 2004 - 2007. Kolding was a European frontrunner for sustainable procurement, first implementing Green Public Procurement (GPP) in 1998.


  • Frontrunner in SPP
  • Strong climate goals (-50% by 2030 from goods and services) foster procurement of innovation
  • Procurement and resource consumption create sustainable changes
  • Population:  93,000
  • Date joined: 2004


Bente Møller Jessen
Environmental Biologist


More information? Send an email to procurement@iclei.org



In 1994, the Town Council unanimously signed the Aalborg Charter, and 10 years later adopted the Aalborg Commitment. Kolding began the implementation of Green Public Procurement (GPP) in 1998 and the GPP policy was revised in 2012. Kolding is now moving towards a sustainable and responsible consumption of resources.
Acquiring and consuming resources when solving the Municipality's task portfolio cannot be avoided, however they want to be as sustainable as possible in that context.

They are starting to move away from a 'buy, use, throw away' culture and, instead, they are trying to cover their need for resources in the most sustainable way. New purchases must be the last of a long list of options.
They want to shape the choices they make when procuring and using resources. In concrete terms, this means that they will look at which sustainable option they can use when a need for resources arises, when they procure a product, service or plant, and until in the long term, they no longer need the resource.

The vision of Kolding Municipality's procurement and resource consumption is to create sustainable change.

  • They find sustainable solutions when the need for resources arises.
  • They work innovatively to find solutions that create value for the environmental, social and economic sustainability.
  • They create change in themselves and their partners, suppliers and contractors.
  • They let the five design principles in Kolding Municipality's Sustainability Strategy 2020 - 2030 set the direction for the journey.


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