Helsinki is the capital and largest city in Finland, lying in the southern part of the country by the Baltic Sea. Deputy Mayor Pekka Sauri has been re-elected twice as Chair of Procura+ and fulfilled this role for the period of 2015 – 2018. The current Deputy Mayor, Anni Sinnemäki is the current Vice Chair of the Procura+ Network.
- **Runner-up of the Procura+ Awards for Procurement Initiative of the Year 2021**
- 2015 Helsinki city guide for sustainable procurement
- 2018 Carbon Neutral Helsinki 2035 Action Plan
- 2019 Canemure - Towards Carbon Neutral Municipalities and Regions
- 2020 Green Deals on Emission-free construction sites and Reduction of harmful substances in the procurement of the kindergarten environment
- 2020 Roadmap for Circular and Sharing Economy
- 2020 Renewed Procurement Strategy with strong emphasis on sustainability
- Population: 630,000
- Date joined: 2008
Jorma Lamminmäki
Procurement Director - jorma.lamminmaki@hel.fi
Satu Turula
Environmental Planner - satu.turula@hel.fi
Marja Sarmela
Legal Counsel - marja.sarmela@hel.fi
More information? Send an email to procurement@iclei.org
Our procurements are effective, responsible and climate-smart.
Helsinki takes its responsibility in the mitigation of climate change seriously and has set a goal of becoming carbon-neutral by 2030. Procurements are seen as an important tool to operationalize this goal. We are committed to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and reported on their accomplishment as the first city in Europe.
We are pioneers and promote the accomplishment of sustainable development goals through financially, socially and environmentally responsible, effective and climate-smart procurements. We promote the creation of new jobs and apprenticeships by applying employment conditions in our procurements. We prevent underground economy and fulfil our obligations as specified in the Act on the Contractor’s Obligations and Liability when Work is Contracted Out. We pay particular attention to enforcing labour and human rights in our procurements. We ensure that our procurements lead to cooperation with reliable partners that fulfil the statutory obligations.